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Top 4 HR Trends in 2020

Over the past several months, some amazing new HR trends have come to light. Things like the recruiting skills gap, how to build better teams, diversity and inclusion, and the need for additional workplace wellness. Learn more about these trends and where to find additional research on each topic below.

1. Closing the Recruiting Skills Gap

In HR, we talk a lot about the skills gap in relation to the future of work. We think about it as what skills do we have now, what will we need for the future, and how do we train employees to learn the skills we’ll need for the future.

But, I don’t think that’s the only skills gap. I think there’s a skills gap in recruiting, as well. According to research by McKinsey, 82% of Fortune 500 executives don’t believe their companies recruit highly talented people.

Personally, I think everyone is talented at something. But, I do think there is something to be said for teams not feeling everyone’s talents because we hire people with the same experience and skillsets.

In our Should You Hire Great People or Great Teams webinar with Talview, Keirsten Greggs and I explored the recruiting skills gaps, which exists between what skills leadership wants, what managers want, what managers need, and recruiters look for.

From the recruiting skills gap, we then looked at how to build better teams… which leads us to trend #2.

2. How to Build Better Teams

The case for anti-diversity is often met with the argument, “You shouldn’t focus on hiring underrepresented employees. You should hire the best person for the job.” However, this individualistic mentality leads to homogenous teams with uniformed and like-talent. So, even though we have talented people on our teams, we can’t feel the talent because everyone has the same talent.

Keirsten and I co-authored the Top 10 Tips for Building the Best Teams ebook to further explore this topic. To do that, we met with Talent Acquisition and Diversity leaders from top companies around the world to get their take. We asked them: Should you hire the best person for the job or build the best teams?

In addition to asking the experts, I did some research of my own. I took a look at the relationship between leaders and followers in my ERE feature The Leadership Lie: Why and How to Recruit Followers. While moving away from our current approach to hiring, I explored what a new approach to hiring would look like if we started focusing on potential rather than the past in Past v. Potential: What’s More Important in Hiring #TheProjectTakeover. Finally, I broke down what it takes to build cohesive and talented teams in my most recent ERE feature Stop Hiring Individuals. Start Hiring Team Members.

3. Diversifying Voices of Influence in HR

If you’re here, you likely know that I’m passionate about diversifying voices of influence in HR and HR technology. I’ve spent the past year talking about that topic, starting with The Most Inclusive HR Influencer List. Lately, I met with Ira Wolfe and Keith Campagna on their Geek Geezers and Googlization show and guest hosted their Diversifying Voices of HR Influence episode. Additionally, I joined Jason Cavness on The Jason Cavness Experience.

Moving forward, HR needs to stop talking about DEI and start acting to improve the employee experience of underrepresented employees at work. That starts with cultivating communities for BIPOC. That’s why August’s #HRforAll Twitter chat topic explored exactly that with expert Janine Dennis. Check out the chat recap here: #HRforAll August Recap: Engaging, Learning and Cultivating Communities for BIPOC.

4. Workplace Wellness During a Pandemic

Since March, there’s definitely been an increasingly important conversation around workplace wellness. And rightfully so. That’s why Cory Kapner and I are taking this on as our September #HRforAll Twitter chat topic. Please join us on Tuesday September 8th with guest Farah Harris to discuss Wellness at Work During a Pandemic. We’re thrilled this conversation was also featured in Jessica Miller-Merrell‘s HR Carnival: An Inside Look At All Things Human Resources #HRCarnival.

For more information on the latest HR, Talent, and Influencer trends, subscribe to the blog and follow me on Twitter and LinkedIn!

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