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Announcing The Most Inclusive HR Influencer List

It’s official! The moment we’ve all been waiting for is finally here. Today, I launched The Most Inclusive HR Influencer List, a list celebrating the HR Influencer community and those making a difference both on and offline. Congratulations to all winners! 

The best part? 

the most inclusive hr influencer list award-winning hr influencers #HRInfluencersIncluded

YOU helped make the list. 

“The List” recognizes over 150 HR Influencers from 15 countries across 6 continents – everyone from emerging up-and-comers to “OG” bloggers.  Thank you to everyone who nominated their favorite HR leaders. 

With the list, I hope to bring the HR community together and improve HR through improved influencer relations. 

How can you help? 

Nominate. Keep nominating people. This list is not a one time thing. The nomination form will stay open so that we can continue to nominate and celebrate new voices rising in the industry. 

Connect. Connect with the winners, ambassadors, and each other online. 

Share.  Continue to celebrate one another by sharing the list on social media with the hashtag #HRInfluencersIncluded.  Share past and future  list announcements, especially as updates to the list are made. 

Sport. The goal is to connect. So, we created both an Influencer List and an Ambassador Program to mentor leaders to enhance their influence online and become Influencers. With that said, join the Ambassador Program here. And, sport the Ambassador badge and banners on your blog and social media channels. 

Even more, whether you’re a winner, ambassador, or an HR professional wanting to get involved, sport #HRInfluencersIncluded merchandise.


I’m not stopping at the list. I’m thrilled that the list will diversity and celebrate newer voices in the HR Influencer community. But, I want to do more. 

That’s why I’m offering services to help HR Technology companies build better Influencer Marketing programs and to help HR professionals become influencers.

How can this improve HR as a profession? The best Influencer Marketing programs improve organizations holistically. They don’t simply create content or generate leads. They also contribute innovative sales strategies and improve products and services. 

I love the HR community and am looking forward to continuing to support the community with The Most Inclusive HR Influencer List and through helping organizations partner with these and other great HR leaders to uplift the profession and improve work for all.

If you have any questions about the list or want to learn more about SocialMicole LLC, contact me.

Thank you to The Most Inclusive HR Influencer List Sponsor

Ultimate Software sponsors The Most Inclusive HR Influencer List and the #HRInfluencersIncluded movement

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