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The Most Inclusive HR Influencer List Preview: Diversity in Top HR Influencers

Over the last several years, Influencer Marketing has been all the rage. But what is Influencer Marketing? It’s a form of 3rd party marketing that helps organizations establish market credibility, increase brand awareness, and even generate leads.

As the world pushes for an increase in diversity, inclusion, and belonging within our own organizations, we must remember to push for greater diversity outside our organizations – with our suppliers, contractors, and even voices of influencers, as well. That’s why we compiled The Most Inclusive HR Influencer List.

When we launched The Most Inclusive HR Influencer List last year, we spend a month collecting nominations and compiling The List that featured over 150 HR leaders, decision-makers, technologists, and decision-influencers.

As we worked to put together April’s update of The List, we wanted to ensure we were headed in the right direction. We wanted to maintain the integrity of the list, which is designed to cater to HR leaders, while pushing us closer to equality.

I’d like to give special shout-outs to several industry leaders who have helped assess the validity of The List’s DEIB focus including Janine Truitt, Sarah Morgan, and Anthony Paradiso.

Without further ado, we’re thrilled to announce the demographics behind the 182-person List coming SOON.

Top HR Influencers Titles/Positions

The List is comprised of high-level HR leaders, experts, and decision-makers. Almost 40% of the list is HR Managers or above. Checkout the breakdown below.

  • Specialists 1%
  • Strategists 1%
  • Consultants 9%
  • Managers 8%
  • Directors 11%
  • Vice Presidents 10%
  • Presidents 5%
  • Founders 26%
  • HR Business Partners 3%
  • Analysts/Researchers 4%
  • HR Tech Marketers 4%

Geographic Diversity of Influencers

The List features 182 leaders from all over the world. A majority is based in North America. However, representation exists throughout 14 countries on 6 continents.


  1. USA 77%
  2. Canada  7%
  3. Nigeria 4%
  4. India 2%
  5. UK 2%
  6. Germany 1%
  7. Netherlands 1%
  8. South Africa 1%
  9. France 0.55%
  10. Sweden 0.55%
  11. Australia 0.55%
  12. United Arab Emirates 0.55%
  13. China 0.55%
  14. Trinidad & Tobago 0.55%


  1. North America 85%
  2. Europe 5.5%
  3. Africa 5.5%
  4. South America 0.55%
  5. Australia 0.55%
  6. Asia 3%

Race/Ethnicity Breakdown of Influencers

In terms of racial diversity, October’s list included 65% white people and 35% people of color. We vowed to continue working on this and push for further equality. April’s list now sees 38% representation from people of color.

Gender Diversity

The October 2019 List included 60% women and 40% men. The May 2020 List includes 58% women and 48% men.

We’re thrilled to see these changes pushing us even further to diversity the voices of influence in HR. Thank you to everyone who helped others gain the followership required to make The List, nominated someone for The List, or even shared The List. You are making an impact. For more information on diversifying an Influencer Relations or Influencer Marketing program, check out these tips and best practices.

Thank you to our sponsor, Ultimate Software!

Ultimate Software sponsors The Most Inclusive HR Influencer List and the #HRInfluencersIncluded movement

Ultimate Software sponsors The Most Inclusive HR Influencer List. Ultimate designs and delivers its industry-leading global human capital management solution, UltiPro. Join their Equity at Work Social Room LinkedIn group to engage in forward-thinking diversity and inclusion conversations.

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