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Why Editing is Important?

Story Time:

I wrote my undergraduate thesis on how campaign rhetoric can affect the outcome of a political campaign. After a year and 30 pages of writing, editing, dying, crying, reading, I finally turned my paper into its two graders. I was nervous…. poop your pants nervous. (I didn’t, don’t worry.)

My thesis advisor and I had literally just spent two hours arguing over commas. But, an hour after I turned my paper in, the second grader emailed me back, “Micole, you have a typo on page 24.” My heart sank.

As a marketing professional, every day I read hundreds of posts and blogs. Often, the content is fascinating. But, every paragraph or so I notice a spelling error and sometimes I question the validity of the content. Does someone really know what they’re talking about if they can’t even write it properly? As a really bad speller myself (it runs in my family), they probably do. But, it’s just a little less pretty for everyone else.

The point is, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE use spell-check. If you don’t know what conjugate, spelling, homonyms to use, Google it! So many resources make proper spelling possible. From one writer to another, let’s use these resources to make the world a little better. (:

Happy Father’s Day, all!

1 thought on “Why Editing is Important?”

  1. Slightly Savvy (@SlightlySavvy_)

    Hi Micole,

    I 100% could not agree more. When I read a blog post, and I find a typo, it makes me a little frustrated. I know it is a small detail, but it greatly influences the overall quality of your blog. It turns people off very quickly and makes you seem sloppy or unprofessional. I installed Grammarly on my computer, and it’s been really helpful in catching things autocorrect doesn’t.

    I have this strange feeling you enjoy coffee (you’re writing a thesis), and you’ve said you love social media. I recently wrote a blog post “If Social Media Platforms Were Coffee.” I think you might enjoy checking it out:

    Good luck with your thesis!

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