On our mission to diversify voices of influence in HR and work tech, we created The Most Inclusive HR Influencer List. This HR Influencer list is a crowdsourced, nominations-based list that features over 250 HR, Talent Acquisition, and Diversity leaders, analysts, technologists, and more.
We have two nomination forms for the list. One is for nominating peers and the other is for self nominations. The form before is for peer nominations only. Both nomination forms are considered equal. The self nomination form asks more demographic questions to help us better understand the true diversity within the list.
All nominations are completely free, and supported by amazing sponsors People Element, GoCo.io, Humareso, UKG, and more.
You can submit more than one nomination. All nominees should meet the criteria, outlined below.
Please note: the next deadline for nominations is July 27, 2021
Criteria for Inclusion
- A minimum of 1,500 followers on a single platform
- Discuss HR topics
- Be kind
- Is a current HR Influencer
- Be nominated
Thank you for helping us create a more inclusive HR Influencer community. Please help us share the nominations form and The Most Inclusive HR Influencer List to help us improve the HR community and profession over time.
Additionally, we invite you to participate in our monthly, #HRforAll Twitter chat that takes place the second Tuesday of every month at the hashtag #HRforAll. Learn more about our monthly chat here.
If you’re interested in sponsoring The Most Inclusive HR Influencer List or the monthly #HRforAll Twitter chat, please contact me about sponsorship options.