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Everyone needs a mentor to support them. Thank you to Laurie Ruettimann for being a great role model, mentor, and friend.

The Most Inclusive HR Influencer List #HRInfluencersIncluded movement

I’m building The Most Inclusive HR Influencer List, a crowdsourced initiative to identify and connect with HR leaders making a difference in the community. Here’s what our nominees look like (i.e. geography, job function, and more.)

HR has an immense responsibility in every organization. We’re responsible for talent acquisition, management, compensation, the safety and security of our personnel.  It’s extremely important aspects of any business, and that’s why ethical leadership is essential. Below are examples of… Read More »5 Examples of Ethical Leadership in HR

job seekers and hr

I recently saw a LinkedIn post on which an interviewer complained about a job seekers asking about the organization’s compensation and rewards package in an interview. The interviewer called the question “surface level” and recommended (s)he ask better questions. With… Read More »reblog: Why Job Seekers Need To Talk About Compensation

I was recently asked the question “how does one become an Influencer?” I’ve spent years building, managing, and even coaching organizations’ Influencer Relations programs and strategies to help businesses meet marketing, sales, and business goals. However, in the process, I’ve also picked up some tips on how to become an influencer.