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HR Influencers

This entire week has been horrible. I’ve thought about quitting social media more than once. Usually, as I scroll through my feed, I see lots of great things happening. However, lately, I’ve just seen a need for more leadership…. and… Read More »What is Ethical Leadership in HR?

We’re thrilled to announce The Most Inclusive HR Influencer List is sponsored by Ultimate Software. Ultimate is simultaneously driving #EquityAtWork conversations and delivering leading human capital management solution, UltiPro. Join me in welcoming US to the #HRInfluencersIncluded community.

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What happens when your social media account gets suspended? We met with 3 HR Influencers whose accounts were suspended to get their take. Read it here.

Looking to improve your talent brand? Find out whether Influencer Marketing could be a good Employer Branding strategy.

You’ve heard of executive coaches or business coaches but don’t exactly know what it means? Check out my experience after just one session with Kristen Harcourt.