hr blogger
This entire week has been horrible. I’ve thought about quitting social media more than once. Usually, as I scroll through my feed, I see lots of great things happening. However, lately, I’ve just seen a need for more leadership…. and… Read More »What is Ethical Leadership in HR?
Are you an HR professional who wants to become an HR Influencer? This is a must-read for you!
Lately, I’ve been talking a lot about building Influencer Marketing programs that support the entire business. But, we haven’t talked a lot about who is supporting different business units. When building or consulting for Influencer Marketing programs, I’ve noticed companies… Read More »Should HR Technology Companies Work With HR Micro Influencers?
Did you know that Influencer fraud costs brands $1.3 million in 2019 alone? Follow these HR Influencer Rules to protect yourself and your sponsors.