Comments on: #HRforAll August Recap: Engaging, Learning and Cultivating Communities for BIPOC Marketing for HR Technology Companies Sat, 19 Sep 2020 18:47:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: Top 4 HR Trends in 2020 » SocialMicole Sun, 06 Sep 2020 13:37:29 +0000 […] If you’re here, you likely know that I’m passionate about diversifying voices of influence in HR and HR technology. I’ve spent the past year talking about that topic, starting with The Most Inclusive HR Influencer List. Lately, I met with Ira Wolfe and Keith Campagna on their Geek Geezers and Googlization show and guest hosted their Diversifying Voices of HR Influence episode. Additionally, I joined Jason Cavness on The Jason Cavness Experience. Finally, if you’re looking to diversify voices of influence within your organizations, that starts with cultivating communities for BIPOC at work. That’s why August’s #HRforAll Twitter chat topic explored exactly that with expert Janine Dennis. Check out the chat recap here: #HRforAll August Recap: Engaging, Learning and Cultivating Communities for BIPOC […]
